Key Questions to Consider
When Planning Lesson

Think about how learners will engage with
the lesson.

Does the les­son pro­vide options that can help all learners:

  • reg­u­late their own learning?
  • sus­tain effort and motivation?
  • engage and inter­est all learners?

Think about how information is presented
to learners.

Does the infor­ma­tion pro­vide options that help all learners:

  • reach high­er lev­els of com­pre­hen­sion and understanding?
  • under­stand the sym­bols and expressions?
  • per­ceive what needs to be learned?

Think about how learners are expected to
act strategically & express themselves.

Does the activ­i­ty pro­vide options that help all learners:

  • act strategically?
  • express them­selves fluently?
  • phys­i­cal­ly respond?